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We love learning and are always looking for ways to help pupils find their lessons fun. So our resources are full of graphics, activities, games, puzzles - to make each class imaginative and fun.




We love learning and are always looking for ways to help pupils find their lessons fun. So our resources are full of graphics, activities, games, puzzles - to make each class imaginative and fun.
Spanish Summer Flip Books and Worksheets

Spanish Summer Flip Books and Worksheets

Fun Spanish flip books and worksheets to practice summer vocabulary: summer clothes, summer activities, summer food, summer places and summer toys and verbs llevo, me gusta, como, voy and juego. Students enjoy coloring and constructing the flip books for themselves. This set comprises: Flip book - En el verano llevo... (for girls) Flip book - En el verano llevo... (for boys) Summer clothing vocabulary worksheet Flip book - En el verano voy ... Summer places vocabulary worksheet Flip book - En el verano como ... Summer food vocabulary worksheet Flip book - En en verano me gusta ... Summer activities vocabulary worksheet Flip book - En en verano juego con ... Summer toys vocabulary worksheet
French bedroom vocabulary - Ma Chambre

French bedroom vocabulary - Ma Chambre

Flashcards, word wall, handout, worksheets, flip books, activities and games - this 84 page pack contains everything you need to teach 16 French words for talking about ’my bedroom’. The vocabulary set includes: un lit, une table, une chaise, une couette, un oreiller, un tableau, un ours, une commode, une armoire, une étagère, un réveil, un tapis, une porte, un livre, une lampe, un ordinateur. The pack comprises: 5 pages of suggestions for use of the resources, word wall set, 16 large color flashcards - image and text, 16 large b/w flashcards - image (no text), 16 small b/w flashcards, handout of pictures and words b/w, matching activity set, color and label the picture worksheet, anagram worksheet, crossword, wordsearch, b/w gap fill worksheet, 3 b/w flip books to color, fill in and assemble, 30 color bingo game boards and teacher’s master board, dominoes /pelmanism cards.
French flip books, handouts and activities - numbers, colors, fruit and veg

French flip books, handouts and activities - numbers, colors, fruit and veg

15 pages of fun flip books, activities and handouts to practice French vocabulary for colors, numbers, fruit and vegetables. The vocabulary set includes numbers 0 – 10, colors – bleu, vert, rouge, jaune, orange, gris, marron, rose, violet, noir, fruit – une pomme, une poire, une fraise, un ananas, une banane, une cerise, and vegetables – une citrouille, une pomme de terre, une carotte, des petits pois, une tomate. This set comprises: * 2 Les Couleurs flip books. * 2 Les Nombres flip books. * 1 Les Fruits flip book. * 1 Les Légumes flip book. * Numbers, colors, fruit and vegetables worksheet. * Fruit and vegetables crossword * Activity cards. Use as jigsaw matching activity or to play pelmanism. * 3 handouts of number, color, fruit and vegetable vocabulary * Instructions on how to assemble flip books
Spanish flip books, handouts and activities - numbers, colors, fruit and veg

Spanish flip books, handouts and activities - numbers, colors, fruit and veg

5 pages of fun flip books, activities and handouts to practice Spanish vocabulary for colors, numbers, fruit and vegetables. The vocabulary set includes numbers 0 – 10, colors – azul, verde, rojo, amarillo, naranja, gris, marrón, rosa, violeta, negro, fruit – una manzana, una pera, una fresa, una piña, un plátano, una cereza, and vegetables – una calabaza, una patata, una zanahoria, unos guisantes, un tomate. This set comprises: * 2 Los Colores flip books. * 2 Los Números flip books. * 1 Las Frutas flip book. * 1 Las Verduras flip book. * Numbers, colors, fruit and vegetables worksheet. * Fruit and vegetables crossword * Activity cards. Use as jigsaw matching activity or to play pelmanism. * 3 handouts of number, color, fruit and vegetable vocabulary * Instructions on how to assemble flip books
French numbers and colors

French numbers and colors

Les nombres et couleurs - fun activities for young learners. Fun activities for practicing French numbers and colors vocabulary. The completed pictures make a colorful wall display. This pack comprises: 1. 2 Les Coccinelles worksheets. The students read the words for numbers and colors in order to be able to complete the pictures of the ladybugs. 2. 2 pictures to color in by reading the color words. Also a completed example. 3. 3 color by numbers pictures to color in. Read both number words and color words to color in the picture.
Spanish Numbers and Colors

Spanish Numbers and Colors

Los Números y Los Colores – Fun activities for young learners. Fun activities for practicing Spanish numbers and colors vocabulary. The completed pictures make a colorful wall display. This pack comprises: 1. 2 Las Mariquitas worksheets. The students read the words for numbers and colors in order to be able to complete the pictures of the ladybugs. 2. 2 pictures to color in by reading the color words. Also a completed example. 3. 3 color by numbers pictures to color in. Read both number words and color words to color in the picture.